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By Tim

Hello, my name is Tim and I am disabled burn survivor.  I was burned very badly on July 23, 2008 in a alcohol racing fuel fire.  I suffered 60% of my body burned with 45% full thickness and now have some pretty nasty scars that remind me that I got burned on a daily basis.  I suffered heavy nerve damage especially in the area of my legs.  I spent around 6 weeks at the Wishard Burn Unit, Wishard Hospital in Indianapolis, IN.  I have many problems being a burn survivor but I am fortunate to be alive, according to the Docs, with my age factored in with the amount that I was burned, I shouldn’t have made it.  But, here I am and I’m able to write about it a little.  I have done all kinds of things in my life and it would be hard to write it all in here but to list a few things..  I have always been mechanically inclined and over the years have fixed many things.  I don’t like people doing things for me and I usually try to find the cheapest way to get by doing things I really want to do.  I am a tech geek and love to mess around with computers, hardware and software.  I love to take pictures and have had that interest most of my life.  I am a family man and have a wife and three wonderful boys and a beautiful daughter who I wish I could see more.  I’ll try to add more to this page when I get more time.  Thanks for reading this far! 🙂 — Tim

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