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Always something exciting

By Tim

Just a short post of what’s going on around here! We are working on a few computers around here as you are aware of in previous posts, but one in particular has me excited! My son who is starting college in the fall has started a new server project and is trying his hand at using only a command line server. It is really cool to watch him study and work on computers the way I have for years. He has that same drive to not be defeated by this stuff (as I have) that will make you pull your hair out trying to get working. I’ll be excited to see his project come together here in the very near future. Great things are in store for him. I’m kicking around the idea of brushing up on my HTML, XHTML and CSS again so I can update some of my websites that I’ve let fall so far behind. Soon I’ll also be diving into my family genealogy again which takes loads and loads of time. You can check out that project here. So as you can see, there is something always exciting going on around here in our tech world. TTFN

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