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It’s been 31 years!

By Tim

It has been around 30 to 31 years since I was in total tip top shape.  As with most things I do, I go all out and even did it more so back 30 years ago.  I remember training so hard that I would just about drop when I got home from practices.  I was in such good shape that my heart rate was so low that when I would stand up from laying on the couch, I would literally about pass out seeing stars.  My Doc at the time said I had an exceptional  “in shape” heart and unlike most!  I remember when all my buddies were eating candy and anything else they could put in their mouth, I wouldn’t even touch sugar AT ALL!  I was very very strict on what I ate in those days and it showed in my performance in all the sports that I was a part of.    I have never lost that “determination” to do things to the best of my ability over the years which has been good at times and bad at other times.  some would call it “Hard Headed” or “Perfectionism” and I call it what ever, it is a part of me and my person and I don’t ever see it going away.  It is that same “drive” that I learned how to tear down computers and rebuild them and work with software and websites and servers.. the list goes on.  I am now venturing into Weight Watchers and you guessed it, I’m already thinking and planning on joining some sort of gym.  Right now we are looking into family membership at the YMCA because of all the YMCA offers for the family.  What ever we do, my plans are to get as close to looking like the picture I am attaching to this blog entry as possible.  It may look like an impossible task, but please don’t put it past me to try just a thing like this.  I will do it and have already started.  I will probably start posting some updates periodically on my progress.  I have a blog as well on the Weight Watchers website that I update concerning my weight loss but eventually that membership may run out if I don’t re-up.  I may get on a program at the Y and like it better..  who knows,  for now I have three months  membership in Weight Watchers and around 60 lbs. to lose!  I’m only going to try to lose 30+ lbs.  in the next three months so it is a healthy loss and not one that could harm me.   I’ll keep you updated!

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