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A New Adventure!

By Tim

Over the past few months I have been really pondering all the weight I have gained over the years.  Two years ago, I had lost about 35 lbs and it felt so good but neglect and being too busy helped me to gain it all right back.  So last week my wife Lora and I talked it over and She helped me join weight watchers online.  Lora was already a member so that helped me join on in.  I am now exercising and am on the Weight Watchers Points plan (for food).  I have to say, I have always been skeptical of weight watchers  but after joining and staying on the plan for the first week, I noticed a huge difference.  The difference I notice is that I don’t really get hungry like I have before dieting on my own.  I don’t have major sugar lows because I’m eating the right kind of foods.  The big one I notice is “Energy” I have alot of energy that I have not had in some time..  this is all in the first week!  Today I weighed in for the first time.. well, I did weigh in when I started, this was my first weigh in where I could see my progress.  I lost 5.9 lbs.  Wow!!  I can’t believe it, that is pretty good for the first week and not really being hungry!  That is a big deal because when I have dieted on my own before, I used to starve myself to death and would be week and shaky all the time and would be miserable.  I have a goal to lose 50 to 55 lbs. and I know it is going to take some time to get there but I’m in it for the long haul because I want to be around to see my kids grow up and if possible “Grand kids”!  besides there isn’t anything worse than bending over and not being able to put socks on or tie your shoes.  If a person ties there shoes and you see that they are tied on the side…  well you know they are over weight and can’t tie their shoes properly..  hey that’s where I’m at!   I’m ready to get this old body back into shape the way it should be!

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