I thought it important to grasp the idea of making a nested list since it seems that this was the hardest portion (at least I thought) of getting the assignment to validate. Here is a list created with fake content with the source code included at the bottom to help understand the concept. I would have included my interests but I don't think I could have included such an indepth list. I did find out however, that the old way I used to make lists does not necessarily work right anymore. This is all part of my changing over from HTML to XHTML. I hope you find this page useful.

A list example that could go on and on.

  1. Block 1 Content 1
    • Block 2 Content 1
      • Block 3 Content 1
      • Block 3 Content 2
        • Block 4 Content 1
    • Block 2 Content 2
      • Block 3 Content 1
        • Block 4 Content 1
      • Block 3 Content 2
        • Block 4 Content 1
        • Block 4 Content 2
          • Block 5 Content 1
          • Block 5 Content 2
      • Block 3 Content 3
        • Block 4 Content 1
  2. Block 1 Content 2
    • Block 2 Content 1
    • Block 2 Content 2
  3. Block 1 Content 3
    • Block 2 Content 1
    • Block 2 Content 2

Source code shown here is how to put together the above content by nesting lists.

<!--Start of list-->
         <li>Block 1 Content 1
                          <li>Block 2 Content 1
                                            <li class="olcode">Block 3 Content 1</li>
                                            <li class="olcode">Block 3 Content 2
                                                                   <li>Block 4 Content 1</li>
                          <li>Block 2 Content 2
                                            <li>Block 3 Content 1
                                                                   <li>Block 4 Content 1</li>
                                            <li>Block 3 Content 2
                                                                   <li>Block 4 Content 1</li>
                                                                   <li>Block 4 Content 2
                                                                                            <li class="ol2code">Block 5 Content 1</li>
                                                                                            <li>Block 5 Content 2</li>
                                            <li>Block 3 Content 3
                                                                   <li>Block 4 Content 1</li>
         <li>Block 1 Content 2
                          <li>Block 2 Content 1</li>
                          <li>Block 2 Content 2</li>
         <li>Block 1 Content 3
                          <li>Block 2 Content 1</li>
                          <li>Block 2 Content 2</li>
<!--End of list-->

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