CSS Week 2 Review

  1. In the figure above, item 5 is a(n)
    • c. id definition (id selector).

  2. In the figure above, item 4 is a(n)
    • b. class definition (class selector).

  3. What are some advantages of using id over class? Please reference your response. For example, if you found the information at an online source, indicate the URL; if you used the text, list the page; or if you just knew, state that.
    • An id is a more specific selector.
    • The id selector can be used to partition so to speak, your markup into sections such as the "Header" "MainBody" "Footer".
    • Can only be used once in an HTML document or CSS document.
    • I had learned this information a couple months ago when reading a book called "Build Your Own Web Site The right Way Using HTML & CSS" By IAN LLOYD.

  4. What are some advantages of using class over id. Please reference your response.
    • As mentioned above, id can only be used once in a document where a class selector can be used over and over and with any element.
    • The Class selector is very versatile while it still can also be used for one specific element.
    • Also learned this from the book "Build Your Own Web Site The right Way Using HTML & CSS" By IAN LLOYD.