About N9BRV

Here I am almost 50 years old and starting another new hobby!  In my life there is never a dull moment!!!  So it all began one evening as my wife was reading the local newspaper..  there it was, an article about taking a class to get a “Technician” Amateur Radio license.  My wife then says to me, you should take this class and just give it a try, do you want to?  I thought out loud and said, oh maybe… I don’t know!  So I thought about it a couple more days and decided that it would be something that I would probably enjoy!  Now I have had a history of being kind of geeky or techie or what ever you want to call it, and not much was giving me a challenge anymore these days.  I figured, hey I bet this would be a big challenge although I had no idea what I was really getting into!  I had no idea that Amateur Radio was still a popular thing to be into!  I found out pretty fast that HAM/Amateur Radio is still going strong!

So, here it was the beginning of November and the class was getting ready to start.  I did not know what to expect but the local radio club made it a very pleasant class, one day a week for four weeks and then the test on Dec. 1, 2012  Well I studied real hard and I passed the test and my enthusiasm has done nothing but grow for this new found hobby!  I don’t even have a radio yet and I’m already making new friends!

I hope in the future to really learn the ins-n-outs of Amateur Radio and all it has to offer.  Amateur Radio has come a long way and now incorporates computers into the scope of the trade with all this new digital stuff!  Computers are right down my alley and I am hoping to be able to apply what I know about computers and integrate that with new found Amateur Radio skills.. who knows where it will take me!  Stay tuned, it could get fun around here!

73s, Tim (Tango India Mike) – N9BRV