Took A Few Days!

Original Post: December 21, 2012 KC9WZF

Well, I took a few days to study for the General Class Ham Operators exam! I just passed the Technicians Class exam on the 1st of December and the issue date was the 7th of December, a date I should be able to remember, don’t ya think?! Anyway, as I do with about everything I get into I hate to just stop when there is more learning and more to do with the subject in which I am interested! So, I took a few days and just really hit it hard studying so I could take the exam on the 19th of December. Well the 19th rolled around and Ben Burris and I went up to Anderson, Indiana and we both took and passed the test! My study paid off as I aced the test, not that acing it really matters because all you really have to do is get a 74% on it and you are good to go! So, now I am a General Class Ham Operator and guess what… yup you guessed it, I am studying already for the next exam in the line up. This next test is a tough one as there are many more questions in the pool of questions I am studying. The test itself will be a 50 question, multiple choice test. I am confident that with my dedication to study, I’ll pass this one as well. The test is supposed to be held on the 16th of January 2013 but if I don’t feel I’m ready, there is another one 10 days later on the 26th. I was going to wait until February 2013 to take the “Extra” exam but I feel that is too long to study and memorise the material and then maintain it in my old memory. So we will see how the study goes on this one! I am taking a bit of time out over the holidays to spend some time with the family but I will have times when I can study just a bit as well. With all this said, I’ll try to get in here and update a little more often to keep everyone up to speed on my progress!
73 – KC9WZF

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