I Bet You thought I Got Lost!

Yes, Yes I know, It has been a very long time since I last posted. I would like to let you know that I have been extremely busy with all kinds of things but related to the home and kids! I have worked two or three events related to amateur radio. I have also recently acquired some amateur radio equipment and am well on my way making contacts all over the USA and over seas on HF and trying to help out the HCARC here locally on 2 meter and 70cm being a backup net control on our local repeater on Thursday nights when we have our club net. I’m also trying to help Ben (KC9QEW) out with the Henry County Skywarn Severe Weather Net being a backup in case he is unable to run the Net at any given time. I’ve purchased an old Motorola 2 Channel UHF radio from Gene (K9UOK) who I am so thankful for the deal he gave me so I could help out the club! The UHF radio will be able to either be run on our local repeater or the Indiana State Skywarn Severe Weather Net in case Henry County needs to send reports to the State. I also want to thank JT (KC9SQW) for helping get the Motorola programmed to the channels needed for the Skywarn Nets. I want to thank Barry (AB9MT) for personally building a very nice JPole antenna which will run both 2m and 70cm! I want to thank Ben (KC9QEW) for the nice antenna tuner he let me buy from him and also all the odds and ends that he has let me borrow such as coax and couplers and so on. I want to thank Gene (K9UOK) for offering a very nice used ICOM IC-725 for with out this I would still just be wishing and dreaming about getting a radio and getting a start in HF. THANK YOU GENE! I can tell you that these guys in the HCARC are some really good guys and the kind of friends that everyone needs, They are a great group of guys. So, in fact, you can see with all this new stuff, I have been keeping rather busy hooking it all up and learning how to use it. I’ve got a few irons in the fire in other areas and hobbies as well so that is my excuse for not posting.. lol… I will try to post more as I get time and let you know how the HF is working out. Hope to hear you on the air!!!
73’s Tim (N9BRV)

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