A Great Club Meeting!

Well I am writing this kind of late or (early) in the morning… Last night was a great club meeting with the local Hams! The HCARC met for their January 2013 meeting and discussed a few new things we will be doing and trying out. I won’t explain them all here as most of the time it can be found out from our club website at: http://www.w9ob.org We had a special presentation this last evening given by Sean Ash, a Meteorologist from Channel 13 concerning how severe weather is forecast. It was pretty in depth and I was really impressed with the level of technology that we have today to predict the weather. We had three out of the four new Amateur Radio Operators there at the meeting (that number includes myself) and that a great encouragement to me! We need to keep Amateur Radio alive in Henry County!!! I also want to mention that another new Ham Radio Operator visited out meeting from Middletown (still in the county). His name is Greg and he was with me and met me at Anderson when I took my Extra Class exam. Greg passed his first exam, the Technician Exam which is a very good place to start if you are going to get into Ham Radio. All in all, it was a very good evening well spent! I learned a lot and had fun and fellowship with the club members that were present! If you would like to know more of how to become an Amateur Radio Operator, give me a holler, don’t be shy 🙂
73’s – KC9WZF – Tim

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